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Our project aims to solve the long-standing problem of locker under-optimization faced by the SMU community.
The inefficiency in the physical functionalities of lockers and inflexibility in locker rental procedures
are a hindrance which our team seek to improve upon to enhance the SMU student experience.

Project Poster

Click to learn more about our problem statement, system architecture and user journey

API Documentation

Click to view our API design and specification

Medium Article

Click to read the documentation of our journey!

Github Repository


Please watch the video in 1080p and turn on CC for subtitles!

User Perspective Demo

Live Demo


Most Popular Booked School

Most Popular Booked Timing

Typical Duration of Bookings

Our Amazing Team

Seah Si Qi Christel

Project Manager

Lim Qiu Hui Candy


Fernanda Tan Qian Xuan

Front-end Developer

Goh Jia Xin Genice

Back-end Developer

Soh Bai He

Back-end Developer

Jerome Quah Wei Ren

Back-end Developer